Knowliah represented at events in 2018

KU Leuven Jobinfodag

Join our team and be at the hart of the digital transformation of the knowledge economy!
Come and visit us at at our booth at the KU Leuven Career day on 22/02/2018.
In order to support our continuous growth, Knowliah is looking for highly motivated and passionate people to join us and be part of our growth, thereby leveraging the digitally adept enterprise. Knowliah strongly believes that people make the biggest difference and therefore, we invest in our talent. We are currently looking to fill in vacancies like a Product Development Manager, Product Managers, AI/NLP Lead Developer, Sharepoint Developer.

Implementing GDPR with little effort, 21 March 2018 @ MAD Brussels

Meet Knowliah in Brussels and learn how to implement GDPR with little effort!

With less than 100 days to go until GDPR becomes enforceable, one every six Belgian companies has yet to start its implementation.

Using ready-to-adopt tips and practical real-world examples, this workshop will walk you through the requirements of the new regulation and how to implement them to enable your business rather than become a barrier.

Registration is free but mandatory. Places are limited.


09:30 – 10:00 Coffee & registration

10:00 – 10:20 Welcome and introduction
By Claudio Truzzi | program Manager

10:20 – 10:40 GDPR: privacy and data protection
By Olivier Markowitch | Professor of Cybersecurity at ULB

10:40 – 11:00 What this regulation (and the regulators) was targeting in 2012 ? Are they proud today ? Will SME be stronger with GDPR ?
By Charles Cuvelliez | CYC2/ULB

11:00 – 11:20 Implementing GDPR with little effort
Hans Van Heghe | Managing Director at Knowliah

11:20 – 12:00 Panel discussion, questions and answers

12:00 – 12:30 Walking lunch and networking

MAD 10 Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains, 1000 Bruxelles. Registration is free but mandatory. Places are limited.
Accessibility to people with reduced mobility.
Metro 1, 5. Tram 3, 4, 51. Bus 86.

Meet Knowliah at the IBJ-IJE Day of the Practice

Equip yourself for the future
Op dinsdag 27 maart 2018 introduceert het Instituut voor bedrijfsjuristen (IBJ) voor de 2e keer de “Day of the Practice”, speciaal voor haar leden. Gedurende deze dag zullen alle Practice Groups een sessie organiseren, al dan niet gecombineerd met een externe spreker of een interactief paneldebat.

Daarnaast zal ook Knowliah een demo geven: Demo Knowliah for Legal Teams: Boost efficiency, increase impact and take control with Knowliah for Legal Teams
Spreker: Yves Lefere, Director Sales Knowliah
Er zullen verschillende netwerkmomenten doorheen de dag voorzien zijn. De dag zal afgesloten worden met een walking dinner. Dit alles vindt plaats in hartje Brussel!

Equip yourself for the future
Le mardi 27 mars 2018, l’Institut des juristes d’entreprise (IJE) organise pour la 2ème fois le « Day of the Practice », spécialement pour ses membres.

Lors de cette journée, tous les Practice Groups organiseront une session, qu’elle soit ou non associée à un orateur externe ou à un débat interactif. En outre, Knowliah donnera un exposé lors d’une démo afin de vous montrer son offre actuelle :

Démo Knowliah for Legal Teams: Boost efficiency, increase impact and take control with Knowliah for Legal Teams
Orateur : Yves Lefere, Director Sales Knowliah
Vous aurez également la possibilité de faire du networking tout au long de la journée. La journée se terminera par un walking dinner. Tout cela au coeur de Bruxelles !

Lexpo Amsterdam, 16-17 April 2018

Lexpo Amsterdam 16-17/04/2018, Mövenpick Amsterdam
Visit the Knowliah booth and particpate at a demonstration of Knowliah for Legal Teams! Lexpo Amsterdam is one of the largests and most important conferences on Legal Tech in Europe. Participants will enjoy a two day conference agenda with international speakers and thought leaders. Themes covered are Knowledge Management in the Legal context, the Technological Revolution, Legal Project Management and Data Science for Legal.

Knowliah will hold a booth and we will be very happy to meeting you in Amsterdam. Visit also:

Health & Care 2018

Health & Care Ghent 24-26/04/2018, Flanders Expo Ghent
Visit the Knowliah booth and learn more about Knowliah for Care and our collaboration with Awell Health and Anadaman7!

Knowliah particpates at the Health & Care 2018 Expo, the main Belgian event for the health care professional. We will demonstrate Knowliah for Care, our solution for encoding and managing unstructured medical patient information into SNOMED CT. SNOMED CT makes it possible to exploit the huge potential of medical information which is hidden in medical patient summaries and reports. SNOMED CT is at the same time a very efficient means to transfer and manage information between care professionals which are working together in care pathways.

Together with Awell Health, specialist in capturing patient data, and Andaman7, specialised in the exchange of inforrmation between patients and medical staff we will show how our solution helps to orchestrate the continuity of care. With this approach, care professionals can optimise their care pathways, make sense of the patient data and empower the patient.

Legal Technology Köln, 26-27 April 2018

Visit the Knowliah booth and particpate at a demonstration of Knowliah for Legal Teams! LegalTechnology is one of the key conferences on Legal Tech in Europe. Participants will enjoy a two day conference agenda with international speakers and thought leaders. Knowliah will hold a booth and we will be very happy to meeting you in Köln. Visit also:

La Journée du Management Juridique Paris

Visit our booth at the 8th Journée du Management Juridique in Paris! The Journée du Management Juridique 2018 is helt in the Espace Saint-Martin in the centre of Paris. This year’s program consists of workshops, plenary sessions and break-out meetings, and focuses on the digitization of the legal profession and the role of legal tech. Knowliah will be present and demonstrate Knowliah for Legal Teams, the leading solution for legal matter management. For more information: /

LegalTech congres in Brussel

Kom op vrijdag 19 oktober 2018 in de Bluepoint in Brussel ontdekken hoe en welke LegalTech uw kantoor kan ondersteunen
Bezoek onze stand en ontdek hoe Knowliah uw advocatenkantoor helpt om de competitiviteit te verhogen, door zeer snel uw informatie en kennis te kunnen vinden en te hergebruiken, waar deze ook staat, zonder inspanningen om te klasseren.

Experience sharing with Allnex & 2KnowHow2

EVENT: Join us on October 26 for amazing insights on legal software solutions!
Just as our entire social life is unstoppably and irreversibly digitizing, so is the corporate lawyer confronted today with an increasingly digitizing business world. The corporate lawyer faces the major challenges to organize a complete digital transition in a very short time frame. Legal counsel must look for tools to manage the ever-increasing mass of digital information, and to use it efficiently, but also to support and fill in their new role in the organization.

Knowliah is happy to invite you to its Experience Sharing session with Allnex and 2KnowHow2, followed by a live Demo with a preview of the newest version of Knowliah for Legal Teams on Friday, the 26th of October 2018 at 12.00h at Living Tomorrow (House of the Future) in Vilvoorde.

Andreas Mestel
General Counsel EMEA

Dominique Meert
Legal Services Innovation Consultant

Timing and programme
11.45h: Welcome and sandwich lunch

12.15h: Dominique Meert, Legal Services Innovation Consultant at 2KnowHow2: “Knowledge Management in the corporate legal department”

12.45h: Andreas Mestel, General Counsel EMEA at ALLNEX, explains how they are digitizing their legal department

13.15h: “Live Demo of Knowliah for Legal Teams, with new enhancements”, by Yves Lefere, Sales Director at Knowliah

13.45h: Q&A
Venue: Living Tomorrow, Indringingsweg 1, 1800 Vilvoorde
Timing: 12.00h – 14.00h

Knowliah for Legal Teams is the smart, simple and secure digital workplace of in-house legal counsel, with a unique combination: matter & entity management, document & email management, intelligent search & knowledge management.

Doxis Seminar – 6 November 2018

Ga op expeditie naar de virtuele toekomst! Doxis en het populair wetenschappelijke magazine New Scientist nodigen je uit voor een dag over digitaal detoxen, robots, privacy en Artificial Intelligence.

Unieke line-up van sprekers onder 1 dak: op het podium staat een reeks van prominente sprekers die je dwingen om na te denken over deze ontwikkelingen, waaronder Hans Van Heghe:

Hans van Heghe is CEO van Knowliah en auteur van het boek Knowledge Centric Management. Jim Jansen gaat met Hans in gesprek over Artificial Intelligence: is het louter een verbetering voor je organisatie en als dat zo is, hoe moet je AI dan inzetten? Over trends in het vakgebied, de hype die kunstmatige intelligentie heet en vergezichten voor de informatiespecialisten van morgen.

IBJ/IJE – The Day of the Company Lawyer – Event, Brussels

Dag van de Bedrijfsjurist – Brussel, 15/11/2018
Bezoek de Knowliah stand en neem deel aan de demo van Knowliah for Legal Teams! De Dag van de Bedrijfsjurist, georganiseerd door het Instituut voor Bedrijfsjuristen (IBJ),is een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement waarop iedereen die een juridisch beroep uitvoert, wordt uitgenodigd. De dag staat telkens in het teken van één centraal onderwerp. Het onderwerp voor dit jaar is “Het burgerlijk recht in beweging”.

Journée du Juriste d’Entreprise – Bruxelles, 15/11/2018
Visitez le stand de Knowliah et participez à la démo de Knowliah for Legal Teams ! La journée du juriste d’entreprise, organisée par l’Institut des Juristes d’Entreprise (IJE), est un événement annuel ouverte à toute personne qui exerce une profession juridique. Cette journée s’articule toujours autour d’un sujet central. Cette année nous avons pour thème “le droit civil en mouvement”.

Knowliah @ Information Heliview in Nijkerk

Uit onderzoek van IDC blijkt dat medewerkers gemiddeld 22% van hun tijd besteden aan het zoeken en het creëren van documenten. Daarnaast ervaart 62% van de zakelijke leiders dat informatiesilo’s het delen van informatie in de weg staat. Information Heliview is het congres dat u helpt om structuur in ongestructureerde informatie te krijgen. Bezoek de Knowliah – Doxis stand en ontdek hoe wij uw organisatie kunnen ondersteunen om efficiënter te werken met slimme en veilige technologie, klaar om te gebruiken.

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