Knowledge management for Law Firms

Without immediate, easy access to legal and operational information, your law firm could be at risk.

Any of these sound familiar?

A lost piece of vital information that leads to devastating financial loss.

Searching for a single piece of lost information wastes valuable time you’ll never get back.

Missing deadlines and actions can set you back big time and damage your reputation.

Elevate your law firm with Knowliah

Discover the nr. 1 Software to organize and leverage your firms’ knowledge

Best-in-class privacy
and security.

Support to seamlessly migrate your
legacy solutions.

Integrations with your
existing systems.

user licenses.

Easily accessible legacy

“You deserve a solution
that equips you with the tools
you need to easily demonstrate
your legal services, at zero effort”

Fully integrated, best-in-class solutions for law firms focused on knowledge and information management

Knowliah for Law Firms comes as a pre-configured, yet a customisable solution that can be extended and fully integrated into your working environment (Microsoft Exchange/Office365/SharePoint, Gmail, your Case Management system, …). The web-based platform is available as an on-premise installation or a hosted solution in Knowliah’s secure Belgian data center.

Knowliah’s custom product modules guarantee you can comprehensively search your entire enterprise ensuring you will find exactly what you are looking for. As trailblazers for over 18 years in AI, we have developed an AI-enhanced product that analyzes documents and surfaces insights. You’ll gain an unparalleled ability to search for and identify links across different pieces of information. And you can rest assured that you will never lose an email, document, or piece of vital information again.

Search & Find combined with a knowledge base
Re-use texts in MS Word
Text analytics on legal cases

Search & Find and knowledge base

Re-use texts in MS Word from earlier work

Text analytics on legal cases

See Knowliah in action

Testing Knowliah is like having done everything on foot all of your life and then getting the keys to a fast car. You’ll wonder why you haven’t implemented it sooner, because you’ll see right away how crucial Knowliah can be for your organisation.

All of our product modules feature:

They already use Knowliah

How to get started?

Schedule a Custom Demo. We will show you a customized version of the application, at your convenience.